What is HCTools v3 ?

New version

October 2018, ended the previous version of HCTools, a community platforms, due to a lack of time and money to maintain the website.

This simple version is my thanks to all of you who donates during HCTools v2 life (and afterlife). v3 will not have all the features but you will be able to generate dials and cards.

Dial generator

This tool allow you to create dials very close to original ones or custom creations.

Generated dial will not be saved so download it when your work is done.

Card generator

This tool allow you to create or recreate character cards (2-sided and old version cards only).

Generated card will not be saved so download it when your work is done.


This version will be in english only (translation takes a lot of time), désolé mes compatriotes français.

But anyone can use it of course.


HCTools will remain FREE and without ads.

As some of you may have seen the end of the previous version, it takes time and money to maintain a website. If you want to help, you can make a donation.


That's the only thing that will keep this website running (except for me of course).

Even small tips helps me maintain this website so if you like it and want to support my efforts, you can make a donation.